2010, where did you go? You slipped through my fingers and flashed by like lightning, but at times crawled like the snails in my garden.
So much happened this year and I wish, as always, I could have done more. One of my resolutions for 2011 is to be better at documenting my life. Whether it be in my personal leather journal, through this blog, Facebook, scrap-booking, photography or some other means. Luckily, digital photography has helped with that and I've got gigabytes full of family pictures for generations to look back on. I wish I was better at taking pictures, but they are fun anyway!
I got a new sister-in-law Becky and nephew Carter when Randy was Married in April. Michelle had Baby Eli in November giving my parents grandbaby #2. I was able to be in the room during the birth and learn so much from that experience. Giving birth is hard work!
My sister Michelle had another baby boy, Eli. I never knew my heart could grow so much with love for a baby. My sister's children, a friend's child, Steven's new niece, a friend's announcement of an unborn child, neighbor’s children, and the kids I taught in primary, all of them. Some I've never even met. They are all God's gift and so precious. I can not wait to be a mother someday!
With the happiness comes the sadness too. This year brought untimely deaths of loved one's as well as sickness, miscarriages, divorces, divorce, breakups, heartache, hard financial times, pretty much the works!
My dear friend Noelle McKay passed away from cancer in October. She is survived by her sweet husband and three kids. I helped their family for almost a year while Noelle was going through chemo and other treatments. I became so close with the kids and Noelle and came to love them like a second family. I miss her so much and just hurt and hurt for the family. I know her mission in life is done. She was everything a person should be and I was blessed to learn from her example.
Steven's Grandpa Thacker passed away this summer and I was able to attend the funeral with the family in Altamont , Utah . I met Steven's Grandpa several times before he died and boy he was a hoot! Always a grin on his face, a quick witted joke to make you laugh. Steven said he was just like his dad who died when he was young. I'm glad I was able to see his personality, his looks and get to know him a bit. He can tell his dad a bit about me on the other side :)
This year was a year of whirlwind romance for me. I dated Steven the whole year (minus one week that we won’t speak of {hahahahaha}) and we had our ups and downs. I got to know him better than anyone other than Rachel and have loved every minute of it. On Christmas Eve at his family’s party Steven pulled me aside (I had no idea what he was doing) and asked me to marry him. It sure made for an AMAZING Christmas!!! I love him so much and can’t wait to be his wife. We have our date set for May 20th and are diving right into wedding planning. Steven has been a major part of my 2010 and will be part of every year after and I’m so excited and grateful for it!
So with that, 2011 will bring lots of changes for me. Marriage, a wedding to plan, moving out, a husband, a house, wow. Oh, to top it off, Rachel has a mission possibly in the works!!! 2011 is trying to test my nerve frying end point!! But it’s all so exciting and I look forward to it all. I’m running full force into it all and can’t wait for all the opportunities the year will bring.
Here’s to the great new year, I hope yours will be wonderful and happy :)
This is my 2010 in review. hope you can read it all. Enjoy!